“SentryBay is a Global Cybersecurity Leader” says HackRead

“SentryBay is a global cybersecurity leader” says HackRead

Respected cybersecurity news outlet HackRead hails SentryBay as “a global cybersecurity leader” in its listing of the 10 best cybersecurity companies in the UK.

HackRead states, “when it comes to cybersecurity companies in the United Kingdom, there are lots to choose from, However, since their services aren’t all the same or at the same level, you’ll only want to work with the best ones. Additionally, some cybersecurity firms specialise in certain areas of cybersecurity, while others offer general cyber protection. If you’re looking for the best cybersecurity companies in the UK, you’re sure to find a company that fits your needs from this list.”

“SentryBay is Honoured…”

“SentryBay is honoured to be named in HackRead’s list of the best cybersecurity companies in the UK. HackRead’s dedicated team of journalists are renowned in the world of technology with their work cited in many mainstream news publications. This commendation could not have come at a more critical time because with the increasing use of BYOD endpoint devices, the boundaries of traditional network security perimeters have become harder to define and manage,” said Tim Royston-Webb, CEO, SentryBay. “At SentryBay, we are acutely aware of these challenges and have developed our Armored Client solution specifically to address them. What sets Armored Client apart is its ability to provide encrypted keystrokes and protection against unauthorized screen capture. This ensures that sensitive data and business operations remain secure, even in the face of sophisticated cyber threats.”

HackRead: A Respected Gateway to the World of the Internet

Founded in 2011, HackRead is a respected gateway to the world of the internet that centers on technology, security, privacy, surveillance, cyberwarfare, cybercrime, and first-hand hacking news. The outlet consists of a team of cybersecurity and technology journalists who bring news from across the globe into one digestible location to educate and protect people and organizations from those who wish to take advantage and harm those who don’t understand online threats.

View HackRead’s list of the UK’s best cybersecurity companies here.