Thought Leadership
Deepfake – fake news on steriods
DAVE WATERSON, CTO & Founder, SentryBay Using Photoshop to alter images to make the subject look thinner, healthier or more attractive, has become so endemic
Maecenas eros dui, tempus sit amet quam ac, ultrices vehicula elit. Sed euismod vel tortor et luctus. In viverra finibus velit et ullamcorper. Vivamus eleifend
DAVE WATERSON, CTO & Founder, SentryBay Using Photoshop to alter images to make the subject look thinner, healthier or more attractive, has become so endemic
Promotion dui, tempus sit amet quam ac, ultrices vehicula elit. Sed euismod vel tortor et luctus. In viverra finibus velit et ullamcorper.